All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


ARRAY. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
This object represents an array.


cancelCharEvent(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
This cancels a pending request for character input.
cancelHyperlinkEvent(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
cancelLineEvent(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Cancel a pending line event and ignore anything composed so far.
cancelLineEvent(Event). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Cancel a pending line event.
cancelMouseEvent(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
This cancels a pending event for mouse input.
castRock(Object). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.OpaqueObject
Convert a Java rock to a Glk rock.
CHAR. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
This object represents a native character.
charToLower(char). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Convert a character to lower case
charToUpper(char). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Convert a character to upper case
charVal(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
If this object holds something that can be expressed as a character, return it.
clear(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Erase the window.
clFileRef. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.OpaqueObject
Glk class number for file references
close(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Close the stream, not bothering to read the character counts.
close(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.StreamReader
Close the stream.
close(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.StreamWriter
Close the stream.
close(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Close a window, ignoring the count of characters written.
close(StreamResult). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Close this stream.
close(StreamResult). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
This closes a window.
clSoundChannel. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.OpaqueObject
Glk class number for sound channels
clStream. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.OpaqueObject
Glk class number for streams
clWindow. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.OpaqueObject
Glk class number for windows
count(). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Function
Return count of Glk functions.
count(). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.IntConstant
Return the number of integer constants.
create(). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.SoundChannel
Create a sound channel.
create(Object). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.SoundChannel
Create a sound channel.
createByName(int, String). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
Create a reference to a file with a specific name.
createByName(int, String, Object). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
Create a reference to a file with a specific name.
createByPrompt(int, int). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
Create a file reference by asking the player to type a name.
createByPrompt(int, int, Object). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
Create a file reference by asking the player to type a name.
createFromFileRef(int). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
This copies an existing file reference, but changes the usage.
createFromFileRef(int, Object). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
This copies an existing file reference, but changes the usage.
createTemp(int, Object). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
This creates a reference to a temporary file.


deleteFile(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
This deletes the file this FileRef refers to.
destroy(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
Destroys a fileref which you have created.
destroy(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.OpaqueObject
Destroy this object and the underlying Glk object.
destroy(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.SoundChannel
Destroy this sound channel.
dispatchCall(int, Object[]). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Dispatch interface.
dispatchCall(int, UniversalUnion[]). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Dispatch interface (C-style version).
doesFileExist(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
See if this fileref refers to an existing file.
doThrow(int). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.BlorbException
Construct and throw a Blorb exception.


eraseRect(int, int, long, long). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Fill a rectangle with the window's background colour.
error. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.BlorbException
The actual error code returned from the library
Event(). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.Event
evtype_Arrange. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Event
An event signalling that the sizes of some windows have changed.
evtype_CharInput. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Event
A keystroke event in a window.
evtype_Hyperlink. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Event
The selection of a hyperlink in a window.
evtype_LineInput. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Event
A full line of input completed in a window.
evtype_MouseInput. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Event
A mouse click in a window.
evtype_None. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Event
No event.
evtype_Redraw. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Event
An event signalling that graphics windows must be redrawn.
evtype_SoundNotify. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Event
A sound has completed playing.
evtype_Timer. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Event
An event that repeats at fixed intervals.
exit(). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Terminate immediately.


filemode_Read. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
Open the file this refers to in read mode.
filemode_ReadWrite. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
Open the file this refers to in read/write mode.
filemode_Write. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
Open the file this refers to in write mode.
filemode_WriteAppend. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
Open the file this refers to in append mode.
fileusage_BinaryMode. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
Open the file this refers to in binary mode.
fileusage_Data. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
This file stores arbitrary data (preferences, statistics...)
fileusage_InputRecord. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
This file stores a recording of player input.
fileusage_SavedGame. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
This file stores a saved game.
fileusage_TextMode. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
Open the file this refers to in text mode.
fileusage_Transcript. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
This file stores a stream of text from the game.
fileusage_TypeMask. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
Mask for file type bits.
fillRect(int, int, int, long, long). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Fill a rectangle with given colour.
finalize(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
If the Glk object is still in existence when this object is garbage-collected, destroy it.
finalize(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.OpaqueObject
If the Glk object is still in existence when this object is garbage-collected, destroy it.
finalize(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.SoundChannel
If the Glk object is still in existence when this object is garbage-collected, destroy it.
finalize(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
If the Glk object is still in existence when this object is garbage-collected, destroy it.
finalize(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
Release any arrays or character strings.
finalize(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
If the Glk object is still in existence when this object is garbage-collected, destroy it.
flowBreak(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Break the stream of text around an image.
flush(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.StreamWriter
Flush bytes written to this stream.


gestalt(long). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Request information about the capabilities of the API.
gestalt(long, long). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Request information about the capabilities of the API.
gestalt(long, long, long[]). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Request information about the capabilities of the API.
gestalt_CharInput. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Test if a character can be input in character input.
gestalt_CharOutput. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Test if a character can be output.
gestalt_CharOutput_ApproxPrint. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Character may not look right.
gestalt_CharOutput_CannotPrint. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Character cannot be meaningfully printed.
gestalt_CharOutput_ExactPrint. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Character will be printed exactly as defined.
gestalt_DrawImage. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Test if images can be drawn in a particular window type.
gestalt_Graphics. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Test if graphics functions are supported.
gestalt_GraphicsTransparency. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Test if alpha channels are supported in images.
gestalt_HyperlinkInput. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Test if a window type allows hyperlinks.
gestalt_Hyperlinks. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Test if hyperlink functions are supported.
gestalt_LineInput. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Test if a character can be input in line input.
gestalt_MouseInput. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Test if mouse input is supported in a window type.
gestalt_Sound. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Test if sound functions are supported.
gestalt_SoundMusic. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Test if the library supports music sound resources.
gestalt_SoundNotify. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Test if the library supports sound notification events.
gestalt_SoundVolume. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Test if the volume can be set for sound channels.
gestalt_Timer. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Test if timer events are supported.
gestalt_Version. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Return the Glk version supported by the library.
get(int). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Function
Get a Glk function by its index
get(int). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.IntConstant
Retrieve an integer constant.
getArrangementKey(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Returns the key window of a pair window.
getArrangementMethod(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Returns the arrangement method of a pair window.
getArrangementSize(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Returns the arrangement size of a pair window.
getBuffer(byte[]). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Read from the stream until the buffer passed is full or end of file.
getBuffer(byte[], int, int). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Read from the stream until the buffer passed is full or end of file.
getByID(int). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Function
Get a Glk function by its ID.
getChar(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Read a character.
getClassCount(). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.OpaqueObject
Count Glk classes.
getDispatchRock(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.OpaqueObject
Get this object's dispatch rock.
getEchoStream(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Return this window's echo stream.
getHeight(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Get the height of this window.
getLine(byte[]). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Read from the stream until the buffer passed is full or a newline character is read.
getLine(char[]). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Read from the stream until the buffer passed is full or a newline character is read.
getLine(char[], int, int). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Read from the stream until the buffer passed is full or a newline character is read.
getParent(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
This returns the window which is the parent of this window.
getPosition(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Get the position of the read/write mark.
getRock(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.OpaqueObject
Return this object's rock.
getRoot(). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Get the root window.
getSibling(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
This returns the other child of this window's parent.
getStream(). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Set the current output stream.
getStream(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.StreamReader
Returns the GLK stream associated with this StreamReader
getStream(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.StreamWriter
Returns the GLK stream associated with this StreamReader
getStream(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Return this window's output stream.
getType(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
Get the type of this object
getType(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
This returns the window's type.
getWidth(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Get the width of this window.
glkMain(). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
A default main() in case jniglk wasn't told what class to load


id. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Function
The function's dispatch ID.
imagealign_InlineCenter. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
The image appears at the current point, and it is centered between the top and baseline of the line of text.
imagealign_InlineDown. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
The image appears at the current point, and the top edge is aligned with the top of the line of text.
imagealign_InlineUp. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
The image appears at the current point in the text, sticking up.
imagealign_MarginLeft. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
The image appears in the left margin.
imagealign_MarginRight. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
The image appears in the right margin, and subsequent text will flow around it on the left.
imageDraw(int, int, int). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
This draws the given image resource.
imageDrawScaled(int, int, int, long, long). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
This draws the given image resource, scaling it to a different size.
imageGetInfo(int, int[]). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Check if image exists and get its dimensions.
interrupt(). Method in interface org.ifarchive.glk.InterruptListener
This function is called when Glk receives an interrupt.
intVal(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
If this object holds something that can be expressed as an integer, return it.
isArray(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Prototype
Is this prototype for an array?
isNotNull(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Prototype
Is this reference non-null?
isRef(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Prototype
Is this a reference argument?
iterate(FileRef, Object[]). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
Iterate over file references.
iterate(int, OpaqueObject, Object[]). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.OpaqueObject
Generalised iterator.
iterate(SoundChannel, Object[]). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.SoundChannel
Iterate over sound channels.
iterate(Stream, Object[]). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Iterate over streams.
iterate(Window, Object[]). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Iterate over windows.


keycode_Delete. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the Delete and Backspace keys.
keycode_Down. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the cursor down key.
keycode_End. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the End key.
keycode_Escape. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the Escape key.
keycode_Func1. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the F1 key.
keycode_Func10. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the F10 key.
keycode_Func11. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the F11 key.
keycode_Func12. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the F12 key.
keycode_Func2. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the F2 key.
keycode_Func3. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the F3 key.
keycode_Func4. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the F4 key.
keycode_Func5. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the F5 key.
keycode_Func6. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the F6 key.
keycode_Func7. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the F7 key.
keycode_Func8. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the F8 key.
keycode_Func9. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the F9 key.
keycode_Home. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the Home key.
keycode_Left. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the cursor left key.
keycode_MAXVAL. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This is the number of keycode_* constants.
keycode_PageDown. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the PageDown key.
keycode_PageUp. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the PageUp key.
keycode_Return. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the Enter / Return key.
keycode_Right. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the cursor right key.
keycode_Tab. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the Tab key.
keycode_Unknown. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned if a key was pressed for which there is no Glk representation.
keycode_Up. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
This code is returned by the cursor up key.


loadHint(int, boolean). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.SoundChannel
Give the library a hint about whether the given sound should be loaded or not.
longVal(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
If this object holds something that can be expressed as a long, return it.


m_dispid. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.OpaqueObject
Reference to the underlying Glk object.
m_glkClass. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.OpaqueObject
The number of the Glk class to which this object belongs.
m_jrock. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.OpaqueObject
Rock given to this object if it was created within Java.
major. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Prototype
The prototype's major type.
minor. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Prototype
The prototype's minor type.
MOD_ARRAY. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Prototype
This is an array parameter.
MOD_NOTNULL. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Prototype
This is a reference parameter which can't be null.
MOD_REF_IN. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Prototype
This is a reference parameter being passed in.
MOD_REF_OUT. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Prototype
This is a reference parameter being passed out.
MOD_RETAINED. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Prototype
This array may be retained by Glk.
MOD_STRUCT. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Prototype
This is a structure parameter.
modifiers. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Prototype
One or more of the modifiers MOD_* corresponding to modifier characters in the prototype string.
moveCursor(long, long). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Set the text cursor position.


name. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Function
The name of this function.
name. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.IntConstant
The name of this constant.


OPAQUE. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
This object represents an opaque object.
OpaqueObject(int, int). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.OpaqueObject
opaqueVal(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
If this object holds something that can be expressed as an opaque object, return it.
open(Window, int, long, int). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Open a new window.
open(Window, int, long, int, Object). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Open a new window.
openFile(int). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
Open a stream on the file this refers to.
openFile(int, Object). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.FileRef
Open a stream on the file this refers to.
openMemory(byte[], int). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Open a stream which reads from or writes to an array in memory.
openMemory(byte[], int, Object). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Open a stream which reads from or writes to an array in memory.


parsedPrototype(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Function
Parse the prototype string for a function and display it.
parsedPrototype(int). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Function
Parse the prototype string for a function and display it.
parseString(String). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Prototype
Parse a Glk argument string.
play(int). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.SoundChannel
Play a sound.
play(int, int, int). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.SoundChannel
Play a sound.
prototype(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Function
Get prototype string for a function.
prototype(int). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Function
Get prototype string for a function.
PTRFLAG. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
This object represents a pointer flag.
putBuffer(char[]). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Write a character array to the currently selected stream.
putBuffer(char[]). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Print a block of characters.
putBuffer(char[], int, int). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Write part of a character array to the currently selected stream.
putBuffer(char[], int, int). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Print a block of characters.
putChar(char). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Write a character to the currently selected stream.
putChar(char). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Print one character.
putString(String). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Write a string to the currently selected stream.
putString(String). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Print a string.


read(char[], int, int). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.StreamReader
Read characters from the stream into a portion of an array.
readCount. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.StreamResult
Number of bytes read from the stream.
Reference(). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.Reference
Construct a null reference.
Reference(Object). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.Reference
Construct a reference to the given object.
reg(Object, String). Method in interface org.ifarchive.glk.ArrayRegistry
Register an array.
reg(OpaqueObject, int). Method in interface org.ifarchive.glk.ObjectRegistry
Register an opaque object.
release(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
Release any arrays or character strings associated with this object.
requestCharEvent(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Request character input from this window.
requestHyperlinkEvent(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
requestLineEvent(String[], int). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Request line input from this window.
requestMouseEvent(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Request mouse input from this window.
requestTimerEvents(long). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Ask Glk to start sending timer events.


SCHAR. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
This object represents a signed character.
seekmode_Current. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Seek to pos characters after the current position.
seekmode_End. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Seek to pos characters after the beginning of the file.
seekmode_Start. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Seek to pos characters after the beginning of the file.
select(Event). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Wait for an event and return it.
selectPoll(Event). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Check for an internally spawned event.
setArrangement(int, long, Window). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Change the constraints of an existing pair window.
setArrayRegistry(ArrayRegistry). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Set a retained array registry.
setBackgroundColor(int). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Set the background colour for this window.
setEchoStream(Stream). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Set the echo stream for this window.
setHyperlink(int). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Set the current hyperlink value in the current output stream.
setHyperlink(int). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Set the current hyperlink value in this stream.
setInterruptHandler(InterruptListener). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Set an interrupt handler.
setPosition(int, int). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Set the position of the read/write mark.
setRegistry(ObjectRegistry). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.OpaqueObject
Set an opaque object registry.
setResourceMap(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Tell the library to load Blorb resources from this stream.
setStream(Stream). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Set the current output stream.
setStyle(int). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Set output style for the currently selected stream.
setStyle(int). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Change the style of this stream.
setVolume(int). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.SoundChannel
Set the volumne in this channel.
setWindow(Window). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Set the current stream to a window stream.
SINT. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
This object represents a signed integer.
stop(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.SoundChannel
Stop any sound in this channel.
StreamReader(Stream). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.StreamReader
Create a StreamReader.
StreamResult(). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.StreamResult
StreamWriter(Stream). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.StreamWriter
Create a stream writer.
STRING. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
This object represents a string.
stringToLower(String). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Convert a string to lower case
stringToUpper(String). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Convert a string to upper case
structure. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Prototype
Prototypes for each field in the structure.
style_Alert. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Text which warns of a dangerous condition, or one which the player should pay attention to.
style_BlockQuote. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Text which forms a quotation or otherwise abstracted text.
style_Emphasized. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Text which is emphasized.
style_Header. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Text which introduces a large section.
style_Input. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Text which the player has entered.
style_Normal. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
The style of normal or body text.
style_Note. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Text which notifies of an interesting condition.
style_NUMSTYLES. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
The number of styles this library supports.
style_Preformatted. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Text which has a particular arrangement of characters.
style_Subheader. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Text which introduces a smaller section within a large section.
style_User1. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
This style has no particular semantic meaning.
style_User2. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
This style has no particular semantic meaning.
styleDistinguish(Window, int, int). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Are two styles visually distinguishable?
stylehint_BackColor. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
The background color behind the text.
stylehint_Indentation. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
How much to indent lines of text in the given style.
stylehint_just_Centred. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Text will be centred.
stylehint_just_LeftFlush. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Text will be left aligned.
stylehint_just_LeftRight. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Text will be fully justified.
stylehint_just_RightFlush. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
Text will be right aligned.
stylehint_Justification. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
How to justify text.
stylehint_NUMHINTS. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
The number of stylehints this library knows about.
stylehint_Oblique. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
The value of this hint must be 1 for oblique fonts (italic), or 0 for normal angle.
stylehint_ParaIndentation. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
How much to indent the first line of each paragraph.
stylehint_Proportional. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
The value of this hint must be 1 for proportional-width fonts, or 0 for fixed-width.
stylehint_ReverseColor. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
The value of this hint must be 0 for normal printing, 1 for reverse.
stylehint_Size. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
How much to increase or decrease the font size.
stylehint_TextColor. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
The foreground color of the text.
stylehint_Weight. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Stream
The value of this hint must be 1 for heavy-weight fonts (boldface), 0 for normal weight, and -1 for light-weight fonts.
styleHintClear(int, int, int). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Unset a stylehint for a window class.
styleHintSet(int, int, int, int). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Set a stylehint for a window class.
styleMeasure(Window, int, int, int[]). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Test an attribute of a style in the given window.


target. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Reference
The target of this reference.
tick(). Static method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Glk
Allow the underlying GLK library to yield if necessary.
toString(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.OpaqueObject
Text representation of this object.
toString(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.Prototype
Convert to a printable string.
toString(). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
Produce a printable representation of this object.
type. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Event
The type of the event.


UCHAR. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
This object represents an unsigned character.
UINT. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
This object represents an unsigned integer.
UniversalUnion(boolean). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
Construct a UniversalUnion that holds a pointer flag.
UniversalUnion(byte[]). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
Construct a UniversalUnion that holds an array of bytes.
UniversalUnion(char[]). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
Construct a UniversalUnion that holds an array of characters.
UniversalUnion(int, char). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
Construct a UniversalUnion that holds a character.
UniversalUnion(int, int). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
Construct a UniversalUnion that holds an integer.
UniversalUnion(int[]). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
Construct a UniversalUnion that holds an array of ints.
UniversalUnion(long). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
Construct a UniversalUnion that holds an unsigned int.
UniversalUnion(long[]). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
Construct a UniversalUnion that holds an array of longs.
UniversalUnion(OpaqueObject, int). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
Construct a UniversalUnion that holds an opaque object.
UniversalUnion(short[]). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
Construct a UniversalUnion that holds an array of shorts.
UniversalUnion(String). Constructor for class org.ifarchive.glk.UniversalUnion
Construct a UniversalUnion that holds a C string.
unreg(Object, String, Object). Method in interface org.ifarchive.glk.ArrayRegistry
Unregister an array.
unreg(OpaqueObject, int, Object). Method in interface org.ifarchive.glk.ObjectRegistry
Unregister an opaque object.


val1. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Event
The meaning of this field depends on the type of the Event.
val2. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Event
The meaning of this field depends on the type of the Event.
value. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.IntConstant
And its value.


win. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Event
The window that spawned the event, if relevant.
winmethod_Above. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
When splitting a window, the new window will be above the old one.
winmethod_Below. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
When splitting a window, the new window will be below the old one.
winmethod_DirMask. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Mask for the left/right/above/below constants.
winmethod_DivisionMask. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Mask for the fixed/proportional constants.
winmethod_Fixed. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
When splitting a window, the new window will be a fixed size.
winmethod_Left. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
When splitting a window, the new window will be to the left of the old one.
winmethod_Proportional. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
When splitting a window, the new window will be a proportion of the old window's size.
winmethod_Right. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
When splitting a window, the new window will be to the right of the old one.
wintype_AllTypes. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Used to set / clear a style hint for all window types.
wintype_Blank. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Blank windows support neither input nor output.
wintype_Graphics. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
A grid of colored pixels.
wintype_Pair. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Pair windows contain exactly two child windows.
wintype_TextBuffer. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Text buffer windows: A stream of text.
wintype_TextGrid. Static variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.Window
Text grid windows: A grid of characters in a fixed-width font.
write(char). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.StreamWriter
Write a single character to this stream.
write(char[], int, int). Method in class org.ifarchive.glk.StreamWriter
Write bytes to this stream.
writeCount. Variable in class org.ifarchive.glk.StreamResult
Number of bytes written to the stream.